Sunday, July 7, 2013

Just one of those days

So luckily the washing machine was an easy fix. I'm pretty handy but when it comes to appliances, I have a lot to learn yet. Bob came by and had it up and running in just under 30 minutes. Gotta love good neighbors. Ingrid's promised to make some of the cookies that Bob and his wife Dorris love so much. 

I had a crazy dream that my truck had been stolen. I woke up in a panic and never was able to fall back asleep. That was around 2 this afternoon. So instead of sleeping Ingrid and I went to the house we're looking at buying just to look around some more. Ingrid wanted some of her own pictures too. I only got one. 

Isn't that just beautiful 😉. And no I wasn't referring to the bathtub. 
Odd enough when we pulled up, there were people swimming in the pool and it wasn't the current owners. Weird right. All we can assume is that they're friends/neighbors of the current owners just enjoying the gorgeous day. We didn't bother them, or ask questions, just went about looking around. 

Afterwards Ingrid made some delicious breakfast burritos for supper. I'd put a recipe up but it just bacon and scrambled eggs wrapped in a tortilla. Still one of my favorite meals. Extremely simple too. 

While eating dinner I had enough time for two episodes of my favorite tv show Desperate Housewifes. I know I know, so not your typical guy but for some reason I could watch it over and over again. All 180 episodes. I might have even shed a tear after the last episode. 

Finally the moment of truth, 545 and I have to leave for work. Working nights is my too fun and for those of you who have never had to work nights, count your blessings. It brings a lot of unnecessary tension into all aspects of your life. But we must all remember 

Once again another one of daddies days, I am thinking and praying for Rylan a Lilly as I was not blessed to spend time with them today. And missing my babies Ingrid and Kaden as they're home alone while I'm at work. Wishing that I could be holding all of you on this beautiful evening. Until tomorrow morning sweet dreams to all. 

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