Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Yesterday was Lilly's birthday party. For all the parents out there, you understand all the time and energy it takes for a child's party. Everything went good. A lite rainstorm rolled in about cake time but all in all it was a good time. 

Come 7 last night we were all exhausted. Rylan & Lilly were ready for bed around 745 so I attempted to put them to bed while falling asleep in Rylan's room. Ingrid woke me up at 1100p and I migrated to our bed. 

Morning came quick with the alarm clock ringing at 4a. I was dreading starting the day that early but I had to get the smoker fired up and get to cooking. What a more enjoyable way to wake up on Father's Day. It was enjoyable sitting on the patio that early in the morning. Cool, calm, quiet and very relaxing. So I shouldn't complain too much.  I did also take a nap from 530-630 until the kids woke up. 

Once we were finished eating breakfast, out came the new toys. From Legos, puzzles to making bead jewelry. 

Entertaining the kids while going in and out to keep an eye on the smoker. Yummy it's looking so good.  I know, I know, the back yard is a mess. 

Finally the kids decided to be independent which gave Ingrid and I some time to relax outside and have a few cups of coffee with our neighbors Bob and James. Vey nice people and we enjoy the conversation. 

Finally around 1015, I wrapped the ribs. In aluminum foil for the final couple hours until their done. All that's needed now is time and Father's Day dinner will be complete. 

It's now 1140 and Ingrid's dad and step mom should be here any minutes. I've already gone to the store and swept the patio. Ingrid is taking care of inside the house (God I love her). I'm debating about taking a shower and changing clothes. Looking a little trashy right now. Na it Father's Day I'll where what I want. 

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